Macquarie Cash Management Account
Note: All applicants must be in Australia at the time of application and only Australian addresses will be accepted. Applicants must be 18 years or over.
Account type
For an individual application, you'll need to provide:
  • Your details, including full name, mobile number and email address
  • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport). We will attempt to electronically verify you. If the electronic verification is not successful, we will need a certified copy of ID. Visit Help Centre for more information on certification of documents.
For a joint application, you'll need to provide:
  • Your details, including full name, mobile number and email address
  • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport). We will attempt to electronically verify you. If the electronic verification is not successful, we will need a certified copy of ID. Visit Help Centre for more information on certification of documents.
For an unregulated trust application, you'll need to provide:
  • ABN of the Trust (if any)
  • A verification form completed by a solicitor or qualified accountant that confirms the name of the Trust, Trustee(s), Settlor, Beneficiaries or Class(es) of beneficiaries and Appointors/protectors (if any)
  • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport) for each trustee and beneficial owner
  • Full name of all beneficiaries, or the class of beneficiaries
  • Please visit Help Centre for more information
For an SMSF, you'll need to provide:
  • A registered or complying SMSF ABN
  • A certified copy of the Trust Deed extract, or a signed letter on letterhead dated within the last 12 months from a solicitor or qualified accountant that confirms the name of the Trust, Trustee(s), Settlor, Beneficiaries or Class(es) of beneficiaries and Appointors/protectors (if any)
  • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport) for each trustee and beneficial owner
  • Please visit Help Centre for more information
For a company application, you'll need to provide:
  • The company's ACN
  • Details of the company officers and beneficial owners of the company
  • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport) for each beneficial owner. We will attempt to electronically verify each applicant. If the electronic verification is not successful, we will need a certified copy of ID. Please visit Help Centre for more information on certification of documents.
  • Registered office and Principal place of business address
For a sole trader application, you'll need to provide:
  • Applicant details, including full name, mobile number and email address
  • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport). We will attempt to electronically verify you. If the electronic verification is not successful, we will need a certified copy of ID. Please visit Help Centre for more information on certification of documents.
  • Principal place of business
  • ABN of the sole trader (if any)
  • Registered business name (if any)
For an incorporated association or body application, you'll need to provide:
  • Full name of the incorporated association
  • Registration or incorporation number
  • The name of the body responsible for registration
  • ABN of the incorporated association (if any)
  • Details of the chairman, secretary and treasurer
  • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport) for each beneficial owner. We will attempt to electronically verify each applicant. If the electronic verification is not successful, we will need a certified copy of ID. Please visit Help Centre for more information on certification of documents.
Trustee type *
You'll need to provide:
  • The corporate trustee's ACN
  • Details of the company officers and beneficial owners of the corporate trustee
  • Registered office and Principal place of business address
  • Identification information (Australian driver licence or Australian passport) for each beneficial owner. We will attempt to electronically verify each applicant. If the electronic verification is not successful, we will need a certified copy of ID. Please visit Help Centre for more information on certification of documents.
Submit your application *
Nominee account *
* Required field
Your privacy is important to us. We collect your personal information in considering this application. We refer you to our Privacy Statement which explains how we handle your personal information and how you can access and seek correction of your information or make a complaint.